
Deserving of mention among historical places is the Ordabasy rift, currently declared a historical reservation. Here, 30 km from Shymkent, at the beginning of the 18th c. Kazakhs united to resist invaders from Western Mongolia - the Dzungars.
There are monuments of architecture from the 19th c. in the region represented by mosques and medrassahs, among which is the distinguished architectural complex Appak-lshan, in the village of Charyn, as well as Orthodox churches built by Russian setters.In the steppe near Turkestan, on a hill, sits the Domalak-Ana mazar (tomb)(early 20th c.) It was built in honor of "the Great Mother Babishar, daughter of Aksultan ". Domalak-Ana was a clairvoyant noted for her prophetical talents. According to popular beliefs, the three Kazakh Zhuzes (tribes) are descended from her three grandsons Alban, Suan and Dulat. Dying Domalak-Ana asked to be laid on a white female camel.
Baidibek was a hero, who held a leading position in the unification of the Kazakh people and their struggle against their enemies. The mausoleum of Baidibek-Ata lies near the mausoleum of Domalak-Ana. Many people pay tributes of respect to their ancestors here.