13 days Nomadic Kyrgyzstan
Destinations:Nomadic Kyrgyzstan
Duration: 13 Days
from: US$456
Tour Code: CITA-SD-01
Day 1
- Ala Too Square
Welcome to Kyrgyzstan! Our guide will wait you in the airport and then you will drive together to the hotel. After a short rest we will start a city tour. The main buildings in Bishkek were built at Soviet Times and now you can see this kind of architecture. During the tour you will find out the whole history of our capital from the very begging till our days. Your guide will tell you a lot of amazing facts about Bishkek. This city tour includes visiting of Victory Square, Oak Park with stone sculptures, Old Square, The House of Parliament, Main Ala Too Square, White House, Manas Hero Square, City Hall and many other interesting places.
It is not a real city tour without visiting our Asian Bazaar! We will show you it today and you will be able to make a lot of photos there. This bazaar is very colorful and noisy. People sell there all kinds of goods. You will walk there about an hour to see local people, goods, fruits, vegetables, meat store, and other things! In the evening we will go to a national restaurant to eat Kyrgyz food. Kyrgyzstan is the country of nomads and almost all dishes consist of meet. If you prefer vegetarian food – just tell your guide, she will help you to choose the proper one. Among meals that have meet we suggest to taste during the tour the following dishes: Manti – look like big ravioli, kuurdak – fried pieces of meat with potatoes, lagman – a little bit spicy noodle soup, guro lagman – the same noodle with vegetables but dry, plov – rice with meet and small pieces of vegetables. Ask you guide – she will always suggest you something delicious! After dinner if you wish we can go for a walk to the main Square Ala Too. There are special fountains that always change their directions and colorful lights to enjoy the view!
Day 2

- Dolon pass
We are going to visit today our famous Burana Tower. It was built in the 11th century. There was a thriving city on the Great Silk Road. Many caravans were there while moving from China to Rome. Also you will see Stone Warriors – Balbals. If a famous soldier was killed during a war then people would always make a stature for him. They belong to the 7-8th century. After an interesting excursion and climbing on the top of the Tower we will drive to Chon Kemin village. This village is situated in a national park and you will see many amazing mountain views. Rural regions remain delightfully unspoiled, traditional and rich in culture whilst the capital is quite developed. Tourism is still in its infancy and vast areas are largely untouched by foreign visitors. Beaming smiles, open arms and unrivalled hospitality await those who do make this tour. As an option you can book beforehand a short horse riding tour for 3 hours. We can book for you horses and a horse man to ride for a while in our amazing mountains. It takes just 10 minutes from your home stay to ride to the mountains. There is a very nice round horse riding trip with a panorama view on the top. Also you will ride through a mountain forest! This night you will spend in a house of a very friendly Kyrgyz family. You will see the way they live. In the evening you will have an excellent dinner that the owner will make for you! There are no people who would not like all these food! Also it is a great chance to get acquainted with locals.
Day 3
Chon Kemin
- Issyk Kul Lake
Today we will drive to the most famous place of Kyrgyzstan – Issyk Kul Lake!!! Issyk Kul is the biggest mountain lake in Central Asia, and the second biggest mountain lake in the whole world! Its length is 180 km and it is 60 km wide! The view of the lake is fantastic – it has pure blue water and it is surrounded by high Tien Shan Mountains from all sights! You can swim in the lake and to see mountains around you with snow white peaks! The water is about 22 degrees and many people come here to swim in summer time. For more than 1 500 years local people considered the lake to be a sacred one. Nobody was allowed to swim there and even to touch the water! Only in 19th century people started to swim in the lake and to go fishing. The road to the Lake goes along Boom gorge. The views are really stunning there! There is a spectacular canyon inside Boom with unusual Red Rocks formations. If you want we can stop to have a short hiking there. The road to the Red Rocks takes about 2 hours one way. At the end you will see an incredible view of this canyon. If you are not tired then you can spend one more hour walking around. The road to the red canyon is not a difficult one. It goes along amazing rocky mountains. Only 3 times you will need to go over some big stones. After coming to your home stay you will have time to go on the beach and to swim in the lake. At 8 o’clock you will have a very good dinner in a local restaurant.
Day 4
Issyk Kul
- Museum in Cholpon Ata
In the morning we will visit a place where you will see ancient pictures on stones! They are called Petroglpihs. These petroglpihs were made more than 2 000 years ago by shamans. All these stones are still at the same place as they were at that time. You can see a panorama view of the Issyk Kul Lake from this place – people were thinking that it was the middle of the world. All these pictures were depicted on the southern side of stones. People believed that in this case the God of the Sun will see their messages. Also beside the pictures there are big stones put in a circle way to make sacrifices. After an excursion you will visit a Museum in Cholpon Ata. There are many attractive things from the Kyrgyz history, handicraft, music instruments and a lot of other interesting artifacts. Afterwards we will drive to Karakol town. The road goes along the northern shore of the lake and you will have many photo stops to make pictures of our amazing lake. Karakol is an old town that was built in the time of Russian Czar. Many houses still have decorated wooden frames of windows. The main highlights of Karakol town are Russian Orthdox Church and Dungan Mosque. Russian Orthodox Church was built at the end of 19th century. It is a wooden church and there are many nice icons that are very old. You will have enough time to go around the church and to go inside also. Women have to cover their head with a kerchief. Dungan mosque is made by Chinese architecture as a present for Kyrgyz. It is made of wood without using any nails.
Day 5
- Broken Heart Mountain
We will travel today to Jeti Oguz gorge. This is one of the most well-known places in Kyrgyzstan! It’s famous for its red rocks formations that have a name Seven Bulls – Jeti Oguz. Your guide will tell you a beautiful legend about these rocks. Also you will see our amazing Broken Heart Mountain! We will make many photos there and if you want it is possible to go on a top of a mountain (20 minutes) to see a panorama view of the gorge! There are yurts on the way and people can offer you to drink Kumis. It is a national drink that is made of mare’s milk, and it is an alcoholic drink as a beer. Today you will meet real nomads! They come to these mountains in summer times with their cattle. Nomadic families do not live at one place all the time. Every month they move from one pasture to another in order to have more fresh grass. Nomads still live in their felt houses yurts. It is the best dwelling to live and to transfer from place to place. And this night you will also spend as real nomads in Kyrgyz yurts!!! It is a great opportunity to get unforgettable memories about Kyrgyzstan and its people! Yurt is a collapsible felt dwelling. It is made of felt and wood without using a single nail! To fix the wooden sticks people use leather stripes. It takes just one hour to collapse or to erect a yurt. And you need just 3-4 horses to take it from one place to another. It is very nice to sleep inside at summer time and it is very warm to sleep there in winter. Take your chance to get new feelings! Nomads still keep all their amazing traditions that are completely different from all other nations in the world. Also it will be possible to communicate with nomads.
Day 6
Jeti Oguz
- Eagle Hunters
After a night in yurts we will drive to Kochkor. This time we will drive along the southern shore of Issyk Kul Lake. This is a great chance to see the whole lake from all sights! If you wish you can swim there for 30 minutes before we continue our driving. Today we will visit one of the most interesting families in Kyrgyzstan – the family of Eagle Hunters! There are still some people in villages that continue this ancient way of hunting in our days. They train eagles and hawks when they are young and every winter go with them to the mountains for hunting. The Eagle Hunter just let the bird fly and it finds the victim on its own. You will find out many interesting facts about this way of hunting and you will be able to make photo while keeping the bird on your hand! We will have lunch in this house and the owners will tell you unusual stories about their hunting. This family goes hunting like this from generation to generation and that is why they know everything about it. Then we will drive to Kyrgyz village Kochkor. This night you will also spend with a nice Kyrgyz family. They will prepare traditional dinner for you.
Day 7
- mountains and nomadic way of life
In the morning we will visit a Local Museum that is made in a private house. The owners have collected a lot of interesting things of Kyrgyz handicraft from all villages around! You will see different kinds of carpets, wooden cradles, silver decorations, fur coats made of wolfs, national costumes, and many many other amazing things! Your guide will tell you fantastic traditions connected with them! Also it will be possible to buy some hand made souvenirs at this place. Then we will show you the way our women produce traditional felt carpets. You will not just watch the production but you will even participate. You will have a chance to make your own picture with a help of colored wool and then all together we will beat it in a special way to get a nice felt carpet. You can take it with you for memory. After this we will drive along high mountain to Naryn town. It is situated right in a gorge. These passes on the way, combined with high mountains and nomadic way of life – make Kyrgyzstan an irresistible travel destination! Views of this mountain road are absolutely breathtaking, and you will drive today over a pass that is 3 030 meters high. This day offers a great chance to experience the variety of mountains which make Kyrgyzstan so popular. Night will be in a guesthouse.
Day 8
- Tash Rabat Stone Castle
From here we continue making our way across the country, allowing plenty of time to enjoy the spectacular scenery in the Heart of Tien Shan Mountains. Today our main goal is Tash Rabat Stone Castle! This is a unique building in the world! Tash Rabat is an ancient caravanserai that was built on the Great Silk Road. The main particularity of this castle is that is built inside of a mountain in a very remote place. It seems as if people wanted to hide it from robberies. There are many yurts nearby and you will spend a night near Tash Rabat in nomadic yurts. With 93% of mountains in Kyrgyzstan and nomadic life – our country is a real paradise for people that are in love with mountains and unusual cultures. This day offers a great way to experience the variety of mountains which make Kyrgyzstan so popular. The landscape of Kyrgyzstan is complicated and varied and it dominated by mountain chains which crisscross the country – but as well as the peaks, gorges and valleys, there are also steppes and hollows. In a small area it is possible to see a wide variety of landscapes and experience different climates because when you travel even relatively small distances horizontally – yet you have ascends and descends all the time. That is why during our tour you will see so many different mountain views! Combining these truly spectacular and very different places presents an extraordinary and unique Nomadic experience.
Day 9
Tash Rabat Son Kul-
- Nomadic Son Kul Lake
Today we will drive to the most favorite place of our tourists – to Nomadic Son Kul Lake! It is a wild mountain place with a big lake where real nomads still live! They come to this high mountain lake every year and you will meet a lot of them there! Son Kul Lake is very far from civilization and you can enjoy the beauty of untouched Nature! Son Kul Lake is situated on the altitude of 3 016 meters. The views along the road to the lake are stunning! You can see it on the photos above. Following unpaved roads along mountain gorges, weaving between the dramatic peaks of surrounded mountains, this tour provides the ideal opportunity to explore Kyrgyzstan! At the end of the day we will come to the yurt camp! And this night you will spend as real nomads in Kyrgyz yurts! All nomads are very hospitable. They will always invite you inside their houses yurts to drink tea with them. They are not used to see many tourists and always glad to speak with them. Hospitality is one of the main lows among nomads. The used to say: “Guest is sent by God”. So they can not just let you pass without having a rest with them. If you come up to their yurt – they will bring you immediately some food. It may be the last food of this family but anyway they will try to treat you. In this case you must at least break a little piece of bread and to eat it in order not to offend the owners. Then you can just say that you are not hungry.
Day 10
Son Kul Lake-
- Son-Kul-Lake
You will have the whole day to have a rest among nomads! We will go with you to visit nomads and to speak with them. There are many of them around Son Kul Lake. It is very interesting to watch their old yurts and to see the way they live. You can see how they make kumis or you can participate in making small cheese balls – kurts. Kurts are very salty and it is the favorite snack of Kyrgyz. They roll them with the help of hands. Also you can make a deal with them and to take horse for rent. You can bargain to have the best price and then to ride horses along the shore of the lake. It is an unforgettable feeling to ride horses as nomads among yurts and cattle. You will feel as if you are at the ancient time and you will forget about the whole world! This place is so far from civilization and there are no buildings at all! Only wild virgin nature is there. You can just relax in the afternoon lying on a carpet near the yurt and enjoying the view of the lake and nomads around it. It is so calm there and you will have nice time to have a rest. This is a real nomadic paradise! It becomes obvious why this place is the most popular among nomads!
Day 11
Son Kul
- Kyzyl Korgon
We will go for walk in the morning to go on a top of a hill to see a panorama view of the lake. At this place you will see also petrogliphs on stones that are more than 2 000 years old! Then we will drive to amazing Kyzyl Korgon – the gorge of Red Rocks! You will have today magnificent climbs, thrilling descents and unforgettable views. On the way we will drive over Kara Keche pass that is 3 364 meters high! It is even higher than the pervious pass to Son Kul Lake! The summit of 2 802 m of Cime de la Bonette pass (French Alps) is the highest pass in Europe. Today you will be driving higher then the highest road pass in the whole Alps! You will be higher than all other people in Europe! After driving to the top of the pass you will have a long sweeping descent! The road will go down and of the bottom we will drive through a place where people get coal. Enjoy driving through remote mountain gorges and small villages. At the end of the day we will come to Kyzyl Korgon. Views of these red mountains are absolutely breathtaking, and there is no better way to finish the day than by setting a tent camp near a mountain river. That is an excellent day of our fantastic and unforgettable tour!
Day 12
Kyzyl Korgon
- Red Rocks
Today you will have time to go for a walk along the Red Rocks. You will have an opportunity to make many photos of this fantastic place. Then we will drive to Kyzyl Oi. On the way you will see mountains of different shapes and you will be surprised by the great variety of landscapes in Kyrgyzstan. We will drive also through small villages and it will be possible to stop time to time to walk there. It is always interesting to see something new. Your guide will tell you many facts about nowadays Kyrgyz traditions that people still have now from the old time. Kyrgyz had nomadic life for more then 2 000 years and only at Soviet Time they were forced to live settle. That is why all their customs still are very unusual. For example many of them slaughter a sheep for big events, they still pay Kalim to get married, when there is a small boy born they give him girls’ clothiers till they are 7 years old. Your guide will help you to discover thу unbelievable world of Kyrgyz! This night you will spend in a home stay in a small village Kyzyl Oi. Your dinner will be at 8 o’clock. The owners will tell you many interesting stories about their customs and unusual traditions.
Day 13
Kyzyl Oi
- Tue Ashuu pass
After an interesting meeting with locals we will drive to the capital of Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek city. The road to the city will goes over the southern part of Kyrgyzstan. During your transfer be prepared for amazing views of the impressive mountains and gorges. Today you will see amazing panorama views form Tue Ashuu pass that is more than 3 000 meter high! This road is considered to be one of the most beautiful in Kyrgyzstan! You will have many photo stops to remember this day. Fantastic roads, amazing views, nomads, high mountains ensure your memories of Kyrgyzstan will last a lifetime. In Bishkek we will have time to go and buy souvenirs. Farewell dinner in Bishkek will be at 8 o’clock. In the evening after your dinner we can go for a walk and to see night Bishkek. After an overnight in a hotel you will be transferred to the airport early in the morning. This tour boasts some of the most spectacular nomadic mountain travelling you could ever wish for! You will fall in love with Kyrgyzstan! “Chon Rachmat! Ak Jol!” – Thank you! Have a good flight!
Travel in party of |
Superior Class ★★★★★ |
Deluxe Class ★★★★ |
Tourist Class ★★★ |
2-5 persons | N | $ 3398 | $ 2997 |
6-9 persons | N | $ 2676 | $ 2355 |
10 persons & above | N | $ 2377 | $ 2317 |
Single room Supplement | N | $ 717 | $ 597 |
Service included:
2 Meals as listed in the itinerary, B=breakfast; L=lunch ;
3 Personal Guide & Driver + Private car / van for Private Transfers & sightseeing
4 Hotels with breakfast(twin share bases) as listed in the itinerary .
5 Domestic flights or trains as listed in the itinerar
6 Airport Taxes: US$30for domestic,
7 Service Charge & Government Taxes .
8 Luggage Transfers between airports and hotels
9 Goverment letter for visa support
Service excluded:
2 Personal expenses, tips to the guide and driver.
Note, the price for 6-10 pax included Lunches and Dinners1 Entrance fees/
2 Meals as listed in the itinerary, B=breakfast; L=lunch ;
3 Personal Guide & Driver + Private car / van for Private Transfers & sightseeing
4 Hotels with breakfast(twin share bases) as listed in the itinerary .
5 Domestic flights or trains as listed in the itinerar
6 Airport Taxes: US$30for domestic,
7 Service Charge & Government Taxes .
8 Luggage Transfers between airports and hotels
9 Goverment letter for visa support